If you would like to be involved in any of the groups listed below, please contact the Parish Office at 651-455-6624
The Social Justice Commission are members of St Patrick’s parish who share an interest in supporting the needs of the poor, either through specific charitable activities or by addressing broader social justice issues. All parishioners are welcome to attend the monthly meetings (7:00 1st Tuesday of every month, September through May) or to participate in any of the following sponsored activities. Contact the church office to obtain further information or to volunteer for any of the activities.
Pro-Life Collection
Every October parishioners are invited to donate diapers, wipes, new clothing, and other infant necessities to support Guiding Star Wakota (https://guidingstarwakota.org/), an organization addressing unexpected pregnancies and family support. Volunteers maintain the crib display in the gathering space and deliver the donated items at the end of the month.
Essential Needs Drive
During February St Patrick's sponsors a collection of toiletries and essential needs for people experiencing homelessness. Volunteers deliver the collected items to Catholic Charities in St Paul.
Giving Tree
St Patrick's sponsors a Giving Tree in the gathering space during Advent. The Giving Tree gives parishioners the opportunity to donate to two charities:
- Families who have asked for specific Christmas assistance through Neighbors Inc. in So. St. Paul (https://www.neighborsmn.org/); and
- St Patrick's own Bounty Fund, which provides immediate assistance to families and people in need throughout the year.
During the November/December collection period, volunteers are needed to coordinate and deliver the donations.
Feed My Starving Children
Parishioners from St Patrick's are invited to help package nutritional food to be delivered to people in need throughout the world. (https://www.fmsc.org/) This is a great opportunity for parishioners to come together and have fun packaging food for children that need to be given HOPE and to see the Love of Jesus thru the food they receive. It is an uplifting and meaningful way to give back to others and serve all of God’s children. Volunteers can sign up as groups, families or individuals. (must be at least 5 years old to participate.) Available dates are posted weekly in the parish bulletin and volunteers can call the church office to be scheduled.
Ugly Quilts
Volunteers for this ministry meet in Emerald Hall from 1:00-3:00 pm on most Thursdays, September through March. More volunteers are welcome! “Ugly Quilts” are bedrolls assembled, by sewing machine and by hand, from materials donated by parishioners and community members. These bedrolls are donated to organizations, such as Listening House and Neighbors, Inc., who distribute them to persons experiencing homelessness.
Opportunity House
Parishioners are invited to help serve meals to people experiencing homelessness at St. Paul Catholic Charities Opportunity House (https://cctwincities.org/locations/saint-paul-opportunity-center/) Parish volunteers prepare and serve a meal to those in need one day each month. (9:00 am – 1:00 pm) (on-site security and free parking are provided.) Opportunity House staff welcome all skill sets and depend on volunteers to do their important work. Volunteers can register at https://cctwincities.volunteerhub.com/vv2/lp/churchofstpatrick/
Mary’s Garden
Mary’s Garden, located on the east side of St Patrick’s, delivers fresh vegetables to the food shelf at Neighbors Inc. in So. St. Paul. The needs of the garden vary from week to week as the garden season progresses. Depending on what is ripe, produce is delivered once or twice a week. Volunteers are needed for gardening tasks and also for delivering to Neighbors and can sign up in the church office to receive Garden Flocknote messages.