We use Ministry Scheduler Pro (MSP) to schedule our liturgical ministers for weekend mass. MSP is a database that contains each minister’s contact information, ministries, and service preferences. Once we create a schedule for a given period of time that contains empty slots for each ministry, the database automatically fills in the schedule. It takes into account each person’s availability, preferred mass time, and whether or not they want to be scheduled with other members of their family or as a team with any other individuals. Once a schedule is created, we post it online and place hard copies on the table in the Gathering Space for individuals without internet access.
What We Do
Important Features of MSP
Once you have an account set up with MSP, you can:
- Edit your contact information
- Edit your availability
- Request a substitute or swap if you cannot serve when scheduled
- Volunteer to fill a vacant position
- Edit your service preferences
- Edit your mass preferences
- Edit your family information
If you are unable to serve when scheduled, be sure to request a sub or swap using the “Request a Sub” feature on MSP
If you need help navigating any of the features of MSP or forget your username or password, contact Dave Larson (larsondj@comcast.net)
Ministry and Hospitality Schedule Click HERE
Ministry Scheduler Pro Mobile App user guide
Click to Get Ministry Scheduler Pro Mobile App