Parish Leadership

Contact: Parish Administrator, Bryan Collins


Finance Council (FC) - Advise pastor and parish administrator on parish finances. Knowledge of finance and/or accounting preferred. Interested parsohioners meet with the pastor and are appointed upcon compleeting a back ground check. If you are intersted in attending a Finance Council meeting, please contact the Parish Administrator.

Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) - Advise and counsel the pastor regarding 6 parish commissions listed below and foster parishioner involvement in the faith community. Members are nominated and appointed via random drawing for a three year term.

Please see more about the commissions listed below under the "Parish Ministries" tab at the top of this page.

If you want to attend a meeting or possibly join parish leadership, opportunities are listed below. Please contact the parish office at least 2 days prior to a scheduled meeting date. We are all responsible for building community here at St. Patrick’s; therefore, we invite you to consider serving on one of the many commissions or councils. All commissions and councils are available to active registered parishioners. Details on how to attend a meeting will be provided to parishioners upon request. Together we are the Church! 

Meeting Schedule:

1st Tuesday of the month - Commission Meeting Night, 7-8:00PM. The commissions meet every month. All are welcome to attend any of the six commission meetings.

  1. Pastoral Care
  2. Administration
  3. Social Justice
  4. Worship
  5. Parish Life
  6. Faith Formation

2nd Tuesday of the month - Parish Pastoral Council (PPC), 7-8:30PM. The PPC will meeting August, September, November, January, February, March, April  and May. All are welcome to attend these meetings.

3rd Tuesday of the month- Finance Council, 7-8:30PM. These meetings are by invitation only. Please contact Bryan Collins, Parish Administrator for more information.

Liaisons for St. Patrick’s Councils/Commissions

I. Finance: Chair: Tom Reitter, Staff: Fr. Brian Fier, Bryan Collins  

II. Parish Pastoral Council

PPC Co-Chairs: Jeff Hoppe and Mary McCahey

Parish Commissions (PPC Liason and Staff)

  1. Pastoral Care: Fr. Brian Fier, Peg Johnston
  2. Worship: Jeff Hoppe, Lizzy Schroeder
  3. Faith Formation: Lea Kammerer, Teresa Neuman, Lynette LaForte
  4. Parish Life: Denise Stoffel, Sandy Christensen, Lynette LaForte
  5. Social Justice: Eva Hansen, Teresa Neuman
  6. Administration: Marie Olaes, Bryan Collins, Dave Franzwa, Ed Rudquist, Denny Majetic
    Parish Pastoral Council Meeting Minutes


For questions about the council or the minutes listed above, please contact the parish council chair,
Jeff Hoppe by contacting the parish office at 651-455-6624 or click here